Live music, road races and other events
in support of feeding kids around the world.
Love reaches everywhere.

Mary's Meals Booth at Christ Our Life
Visit our booth at the Christ Our Life Conference in Des Moines, IA the weekend of September 28/29th. We will be located directly inside the north-entrance of Wells Fargo Arena.
We’ll be selling our MERCH in-person including * NEW * items you can’t find online!
Mary’s Meals Founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow along with his wife, Julie, will be speaking at the conference and sharing the amazing works of Mary’s Meals. Today, Mary’s Meals proudly feeds over 2.4 million kids daily in 18 countries.

Mary’s Meals Benefit Concert: Des Moines, Iowa
Join us for a fun evening with Nashville musicians, Phoenix Mendoza & Josh Leo, along with Nashville band, Drop Dead Dangerous, at Jasper Winery as we feed the world’s most vulnerable children with Mary’s Meals.

11th Annual Race to Feed Kids 5K
Join us at the Women of Achievement Bridge in Downtown Des Moines, IA on Mother’s Day Weekend!
The Des Moines’ Mary’s Meals: Race to Feed Kids isn’t your average 5K run / walk.
It’s a passion to end hunger for our world’s youth - every single race registration will feed 1 child at Mcheza Primary School in Malawi, Africa for an ENTIRE school year! For many of our youth, this may be their only meal of the day - and YOU are helping to feed them.
Register Today at https://runsignup.com/marysmealsracetofeedkids
Mary’s Meals Concert Series: Des Moines, Iowa
Join us at the Jasper Winery for an evening of music and faith featuring Phoenix Mendoza along with local band, Mike Moody and the Outlaws. All proceeds will directly feed the children of Mary’s Meals.
Jasper Winery
2400 George Flagg Parkway
Des Moines, Iowa 50321

10th Annual Race to Feed Kids 5K
Join us at the Women of Achievement Bridge in Downtown Des Moines, IA on Mother’s Day Weekend!
The Des Moines’ Mary’s Meals: Race to Feed Kids isn’t your average 5K run / walk.
It’s a passion to end hunger for our world’s youth - every single race registration will feed 1 child at Mcheza Primary School in Malawi, Africa for an ENTIRE school year! For many of our youth, this may be their only meal of the day - and YOU are helping to feed them.
Click HERE to Register Today
NEW FOR 2023: 5K Walk (Non-Timed / Donation Only)
After having many participants over the years request an untimed option, we’ve created a “Donation Only” registration option for this year. There will be no race registration fee nor bib assignment, and participants can make their donation toward Mcheza Primary School via the “Donate” button on the race registration page or by clicking HERE
Mary’s Meals Concert Series: Des Moines, Iowa
Join us at the Jasper Winery for an evening of music and faith featuring Phoenix Mendoza. All proceeds will directly feed the children of Mary’s Meals.
Jasper Winery
2400 George Flagg Parkway
Des Moines, Iowa 50321

Mary’s Meals Concert Series: Holts Summit, MO
Join us at the Canterbury Hills Winery featuring the Nashville band, Drop Dead Dangerous, as we feed the children of Mary’s Meals. All Mary’s Meals donations will be directed to India where they are currently struggling due to the intensity of COVID-19 and lack of proper healthcare.
RSVP requested.
Call or email to reserve your table Michelle Keller (mickeller75@icloud.com; 573-761-3575)
Canterbury Hills Winery
1707 S Summit Dr
Holts Summit, MO 65043

Des Moines Mary’s Meals: Race to Feed Kids
The Des Moines Mary's Meals: Race to Feed Kids isn't your average run/walk.
It's a passion to end hunger for our world's youth - every single race registration will feed 1 child at our school in Malawi, Africa for an ENTIRE school year! For many of our youth, this may be their only meal of the day - and YOU are feeding them.
Register Today at: https://runsignup.com/Race/IA/DesMoines/DesMoinesMarysMeals5kWalkRun10K
You've asked - we've answered! For the 2021 Race to Feed Kids, we've included the ability for to you to FUNDRAISE for Mary's Meals! Get your family & friends on board with your mission to feed every child in their place of education. As an incentive to our kick-off year, we've added great perks including
Mary's Meals swag
Refunded race registration
Invitation to Meet & Greet with Mary's Meals founder, Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow
Note: Des Moines Mary’s Meals: Race to Feed Kids is working alongside Des Moines officials to develop our “Return to Run” protocol. Keep an eye on the registration website for more information.

Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow at Christ Our Life
Mary’s Meals founder Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow will be speaking at the 2020 Christ Our Life Conference where he will share recent experiences and insights from throughout the world. Heartland for Kids will also be supporting a Mary’s Meals merchandise and information booth, so stop by and visit us!
To purchase ticket to this conference, please visit: https://www.christourlifeiowa.com/tickets/